
Outbrain Named as Top Content Distribution Platform!

Lisa LaCour

The Media Kitchen has chosen Outbrain as one of 11 companies that will help transform marketing and advertising. The report, aptly titled “The Menu” (get it?) highlights four areas of marketing opportunities in 2011: Content Creation, Distribution, Personalization & Platforms. We couldn’t agree more and are excited to be in good company. Others listed in the report include Google’s Android platform, Quora and Boxee.

You can read more about the report on Mediapost.

Thanks to @dherman76 and The Media Kitchen. Looking forward to helping you distribute more content great in 2011.

Interested to learn about how content distribution impacts SEO?


Lisa LaCour

Lisa LaCour: Lisa LaCour is Vice President of Global Marketing at Outbrain, where she oversees the corporate brand, communications, and global marketing efforts worldwide. She joined Outbrain in 2010, and is part of the senior management team, responsible for the driving the company’s corporate positioning, branding, public relations, and customer acquisition efforts. Previously, Ms. LaCour served as Director of Marketing at fashion and lifestyle brand DailyCandy, where she built, and managed the company’s first marketing team. Prior to her work for DailyCandy, she led audience development and branding efforts for AOL’s network of content sites.